Tuesday, May 3, 2011

OPI's Axxium Soak-Off Polish

"Strong, beautiful, all-one-length natural nails can be difficult to grow and maintain. You use your hands for so many things every day – working on the computer, crafting, digging in your purse – that nails often suffer.
But you can have the nails you want – in fact, your nails, only better – with the new Axxium Gel System by OPI.
Available only at professional salons, Axxium acts as an invisible layer of protection for your nails, keeping them strong so that they can grow without breaking. Plus, Axxium gives your nails incredible shine.
And you won’t even know you’re wearing gels – Axxium gels are virtually weightless, and the finish is so sheer and flawless that your own nails show through. "

I am in LOVE with the Axxium Soak-Off Gels!  They come in your favorite OPI Nail Polish colors but last so much longer!  Available now =0)

Axxium Soak-Off Gel with Marbeling


  1. Do you know where in Salt Lake City that I can get this done?! I went to Ulta today to do their gel nails offer thinking this was it but it was just the Gel Polish =/ It seems like this allows you to do designs a bit easier?

  2. Well, I offer this service with the Axxium Gels...I LOVE how they feel and how long they last. You can definitely do more marbeling and whatnot with the Axxium over the Gel Colors. You can give me a text to find out more or if you want to book an appointment.

